Having insurance is crucial for people in the Milford, CT area. One of the benefits of having insurance is that it can reduce your personal liability risks. While home and auto policies do provide liability insurance, this coverage is often limited, and there are other liability risks to consider. In many situations, umbrella insurance is a valuable addition to your personal insurance plan as it can cover risks that are not covered by home or auto insurance.
High Liability Claims
One limitation of home or auto plans is the coverage cap. Liability insurance is often set at $500,000 or less. If you are a high-net-worth individual or are concerned about larger claims, umbrella coverage is an excellent option, as it provides coverage in addition to home or auto policies.
Slander or Libel
Two liability risks that people face daily are slander and libel. These liability claims can occur if someone believes you said or wrote something inaccurate and negative about them. You will need umbrella coverage to protect against this risk, as other plans do not protect against it.
Considering an umbrella insurance plan is always a good idea when you are in the Milford, CT area. When you are looking for coverage here, you can call our White Oak Insurance LLC team to discuss your needs. Our White Oak Insurance LLC professionals can help you carefully assess your options and build an ideal plan to ensure you manage your liability risk concerns.